The Service of the KCK

The KCK is my Girl Scout Gold Award project and is here to serve children in shelters and hospitals. We the knitters of the world, shall unite together and knit caps for those of the new genreation who need help. The KCK serves the ages from premature to young adults. And even though we would like to get a majority of the donations as hats, we will also distribute any other items that you have made for others.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Many of you have recieved this via email or ravelry. But here it is again:

Senior year has already thrown many curve balls at me. At my high school i am required to do a senior project and sadly since i have already started the KCK back in my 10th and 11th years of high school they will not alllow me to continue it. And since I am taking 3 Advanced Placement classes along with having to do this project and apply to colleges and universities, I cannot continue the KCK and thus closing it.

Thank you to all of you who participated and made this project a great one. I'm not bragging when I say that at the awards banquet that this was the best project there. My parents, my project advisor and my friend who came also said so. I was the only girl to start crying when talking about my project and the only girl who hadn't repeated the same project that schools do (book drives, teaching kids how to brush their teeth). I was the only girl there able to talk of the impact that my project had already had. The only girl able to say that she had women who had been girl scouts and a current girl scout participate.

the KCK had been a great sucess. And I owe it all to you. So again,

Thank You

If you have any questions or comments my email is still open.

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